Veera Putkonen, summer trainee

”Summer employees are a part of the work community right from the start”

Veera Putkonen has worked on documentation and databases at Fintraffic’s Air Navigation Services for two summers. How did Veera, who majors in biochemistry, end up in the field of air navigation for the summer? What got her to return to Fintraffic ́s Air Navigation Services for the next summer as well? What was especially memorable about a summer job at Fintraffic?

Veera is studying biochemistry at the University of Oulu, but has worked with documentation and database maintenance and updates in Fintraffic’s Air Navigation Services for two summers.

“My friend’s mother asked me if I would be interested in a summer job in air navigation, and I thought why not, even though the job was not related to the field I study. The first summer at Fintraffic was fun, so I called Air Navigation Services the next spring and asked if I could work with them again,” Veera recalls.

In her summer work, Veera updated the warranty and licence information for air navigation equipment and standardised the names of the equipment in the database. She feels that the work on documentation was meaningful as up-to-date documents are one of the important pillars of air navigation work.

The warm atmosphere and an airport tour were memorable

One of the reasons Veera applied for Air Navigation Services for the second time was the warm and helpful atmosphere. Although she had no previous experience in the traffic sector and did not study this field, she always felt welcome at the workplace. In particular, the presentation tour of the airport in the first summer has stayed with her.

“The first summer, I was able to visit the air traffic control tower and the airport area and learn about area control operations. It was exciting to see places that are not normally accessible when you are a passenger. The summer work has provided me with an understanding of how important Fintraffic’s work is, as traffic in Finland would not operate without this company,” Veera says.

Those outside the traffic sector should also apply for summer jobs

Veera encourages everyone to apply for summer jobs at Fintraffic even if they have no experience in the traffic sector or their studies are focused on another field.

“You should not be afraid because you have no experience – having the right attitude is more important. At Fintraffic, everyone will help you as long as you ask for help. I have fond memories of the atmosphere at Air Navigation Services. There, summer employees are considered part of the work community right from the start. This has been an important factor in my enjoyment of the summer job at Fintraffic,” Veera says, encouraging others.

Veera Koho, HR trainee

“Fintraffic is a safe environment for learning through practice”

Veera Koho, a student of business, worked in the Fintraffic HR team for the summer, familiarising herself with various HR tasks through practical work. How was her experience of summer work at Fintraffic? What special memories does Veera have of the summer? Why does Veera want to encourage others to apply for summer jobs at Fintraffic?

Veera studies economics and business administration at the University of Turku. She majors in management and organisation. She is also doing optional studies in marketing. When looking for summer jobs, Veera found an advertisement from Fintraffic on a job search site, which drew her attention with an interesting job description.

“The sector and the company were unknown to me at the time, but I decided to apply anyway, because the tasks were strongly related to the field I studied. I wanted to gain practical experience that would help me assess whether work in the HR sector is something I like and could possibly do in the future”, Veera explains.

A practical overview of various HR tasks

During the summer, Veera was able to carry out various HR tasks: assisting the HR team in various acute cases, communicating on the intranet and on social media, and participating in various development projects. In addition, she also coordinated and organised an event for all summer trainees at Fintraffic.

“I was positively surprised by how much responsibility and freedom I was given during my summer job at Fintraffic. I was able to do real work, and before I started, I couldn’t even imagine how much I would see and experience during the summer. The reception I got in the work community was warm right from the first days, and I feel that my contribution was genuinely appreciated. I thought it was wonderful that my learning was taken into account in my job description, which allowed me to familiarise myself with the variety of tasks that are available in the HR sector,” Veera reflects.

For Veera, the summer work felt meaningful as she was able to do routine work on behalf of other personnel to relieve their burden. When you do your own work well, others have more time for their core tasks – and when HR are doing well, it is reflected in the wellbeing of the entire organisation. However, Veera is also grateful for being able to see not only routine work but also the more exciting side of HR work during the summer.

“I especially remember the moments when I was able to participate in job interviews in the role of an interviewer. That is right at the heart of HR work, and it felt almost absurd to suddenly be on the other side of the table asking questions”, Veera recalls.

An encouraging work community and new understanding of public infrastructure

Before her summer job, Veera had never considered how wide an impact Fintraffic has. As a result of the summer job, she has realised how important the work carried out by Fintraffic is to society and the everyday lives of individuals.

“I now understand better how traffic in Finland works. I never realised that someone is out there taking care of these things so that it would be as easy as possible for me to move around. Summer work at Fintraffic gave me an opportunity for versatile self-development and comprehensive learning of new things. This was my first job in my own field, so it was nice to learn through practice. Fintraffic was a safe environment for learning, as there was an encouraging work community where I was given space and support for trying new things”, Veera says.

Jesper Setälä, summer trainee

”A summer jobs gives you a good overview of traffic”

Jesper Setälä, who is studying to become a traffic engineer for the first year, worked as a summer traffic operator in Fintraffic’s Road Traffic Management. How did Jesper find Fintraffic summer jobs right after his first year of study? How was his experience of summer work as a transport operator? How did the summer work benefit him from the perspective of a student in the traffic sector?

After completing his matriculation examination and the qualification of a articulated vehicle driver, Jesper worked as a driver for three years. The work as a professional driver inspired him to apply to a university of applied sciences to become a traffic engineer. Jesper ended up working at Fintraffic for the summer thanks to a presentation on the school campus.

”I had already noticed an online ad looking for summer workers for Fintraffic. But I decided to apply only when I saw the presentation on our campus emphasising that summer jobs are also available for first-year students. I sent in an application and was accepted as a traffic operator at the Traffic Management Centre”, Jesper remembers.

Meaningful summer job that ensures smooth and safe road traffic

Jesper is pleased that he applied for a summer job at Fintraffic, as summer work as a traffic operator has given him a comprehensive idea of the state-owned road network and the amount of technology being used, especially in the Uusimaa road network.

“In this work, you get a good general idea of traffic, which is very valuable for a traffic engineering student. I have also gained a good overall picture of what maintaining the road network requires, especially for the maintenance and inspection of tunnel areas”, Jesper says.

As a traffic operator, Jesper’s tasks during the summer have included, for example, the management of variable signs and speed limits, cooperation with the police and rescue authorities, informing contractors of defects reported by road users, and responding to congestions, accidents and other traffic problems.

“The work done by Fintraffic is very important, although it may not always be visible to the road user. However, the work affects every user of state-owned roads, the traffic safety and the everyday traffic flow. Summer work at Fintraffic has been a positive experience. I will have especially fond memories of the nice colleagues and supervisors. The work community has treated me fairly, and it has been very easy to ask for help in anything. I hope that, after the summer, I will be able to continue working at Fintraffic alongside my studies”, Jesper continues.